Malachite Gemstone Uses and Crystal Healing Properties


Malachite is a super green matrix with gorgeous light green bands across the stone.

High-grade Malachite such as Grade AAA is super sought out, rare, valuable or the mines are currently closed.


What a lovely rich green!!

Not just beautiful colour, Malachite has such a powerful energy. Also, The most common questions that people ask are listed below, so take a look!


  1. Malachite Healing Properties
  2. Malachite Characteristic (& Benefit)
  3. Malachite Origin
  4. Malachite Astrology
  5. Malachite Affirmation
  6. Malachite Chakra
  7. Malachite Uses
  8. Malachite Q & A
  9. What does Malachite mean spiritually?
  10. Why am I drawn to Malachite?
  11. What chakra does Malachite heal?
  12. How do you activate Malachite?
  13. What are the spiritual benefits of Malachite?
  14. Does Malachite make you emotional?
  15. Why is Malachite so rare?
  16. Why is Malachite so expensive?
  17. How can you tell if Malachite is high quality?
  18. What are the benefits of wearing Malachite stone?
  19. What is Malachite stone good for?
  20. What is Malachite used for spiritually?
  21. Is Malachite a lucky stone?
  22. What does Malachite do when you wear it?
  23. What does Malachite protect you from?
  24. Where do you put Malachite on your body?
  25. Is it OK to sleep with Malachite?/Can you  wear Malachite in bed?
  26. Is it safe to wear Malachite?
  27. Is it OK to wear Malachite?
  28. Can I wear Malachite every day? 
  29. How does Malachite make you feel?
  30. Who should wear Malachite?
  31. Where is the best place to put Malachite?
  32. What does Malachite protect you from?
  33. What does Malachite attract?
  34. How long should you wear Malachite?
  35. Where do you put Malachite on your body?
  36. How to tell if Malachite is real?
  37. Is Malachite stone expensive?
  38. Why am I so attracted to Malachite?
  39. What does it mean if someone gives you Malachite?
  40. Why am I drawn to Malachite?
  41. Why is Malachite toxic?
  42. Why not to use Malachite?
  43. What are the warning of the Malachite stone?
  44. What are the disadvantages of Malachite?
  45. What are the side effects of Malachite?
  46. Is Malachite bad spiritually?
  47. Can you shower with Malachite?
  48. Is it safe to wear a Malachite ring?
  49. What is Malachite commonly used for?
  50. Is Malachite a precious gem?
  51. Is Malachite bad luck?
  52. Is Malachite a bad stone?
  53. Should you touch Malachite?
  54. Do you have to wash your hands after touching Malachite?
  55. Do you wear Malachite on your right or left hand?
  56. Can raw Malachite get wet?
  57. Why can’t Malachite get wet?
  58. Is polished Malachite toxic when wet?
  59. Why Malachite is called kidney stone?
  60. What is the truth about Malachite?
  61. Best place to buy high-grade Malachite
  62. Conclusion

Malachite Healing Properties

  • Stone of Transformation
  • Expect Big Changes
  • Welcomes New Energies and Journeys
  • Attunes the Heart for Empathy
  • Brings Mental Clarity
  • Releases Stagnant Energy
  • Opens the Heart (Heart Activation)
  • Protects Against Radiation, 5G and EMFS
  • Deep energy cleaning

Malachite Characteristic (& Benefit)

Malachite is a stone of transformation. It will help anyone on a journey of change while delivering healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.

It will assist in releasing all energies that no longer benefit you in order to make room for new energies to come into your life.

It will release mental noise to support bring clarity, and help in interpreting new information.

Malachite also extends the heart to compassion, love, and new adventures.

Its strong vibrations will shield you against negative energy, inactive energy, and radiation frequencies from x-rays and 5G.

Malachite allows us to be in flow with the universe and allows us to harness that flow into a state of co-creation.

It will obtain clear visions from adaptable direction to support us make our goals manifest into the physical.

Malachite will not only bring recollections to life, but it will also literally bring dreams to life.

Malachite Origin

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Congo, Greenland, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, UK, USA, Zambia, Zaire.

Malachite Astrology

  • Taurus: April 20 – May 20
  • Libra: September 23 – October 22
  • Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
  • Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
  • Capricorn: December 22 – January 19


  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Venus

Malachite Affirmation

To activate the Malachite, affirm: “I release all that holds me back. I am open to receiving love“.

Malachite Chakra

Heart – Throat 

Malachite removes all the chakras through the throat and tunes the heart to unconditional love.

The heart chakra lets a person guide with their heart with a flood of love and compassion.

This blend allows a person to guide with their heart, and speak their reality from a place of love.

The throat chakra is amongst the most significant because it helps to release energy from other chakras in the body to be communicated through the throat by speaking one’s truth.

When blocked, it will influence not only the throat area, but any other area where energy is being held back and not spoken.

When in consonance, there is no energy stagnation so the mind, body, and spirit are all in balance resulting in a feel of peace, and flow.

Malachite Uses

Malachite brings big changes to your life.

Its shielding vibration will absorb negative energies, as well as radiation in the air.

To get its shielding powers you can use it as jewellery, and keep it near you, technologies like phones, wifi, TV, and even microwaves.

Opening the heart chakra Malachite will assist you be brave enough to jump towards love, because the risk of getting hurt is not as powerful as an opportunity of finding happiness, even if just temporarily.

It will support you release fears, and letting go of old habits that may be keeping you back.

It is a great stone to assist you take control of your feelings, and being responsible for your emotions.

Malachite soaks energy more powerfully than it radiates it.

You can place Malachite on areas where you feel pain, especially if it is a spontaneous pain.

A lot of accidental bodily aches we have are purely energetic.

Placing a Malachite on it will suck the pain out of your body.

You can either keep it there or put it on your body overnight while you sleep.

Always set the intention with it, and keep it clean to release all that it has absorbed.

In meditation, Malachite will bring to the surface all that is holding you back from transition.

Usually, it is a hidden trauma, or person in your life that is no longer feeding your transition.

It will help you find the core issue, and work with your energy to help free and heal from it.


Malachite Q & A

What does Malachite mean spiritually?

Malachite is known as the;

  • Stone of Transformation
  • Used for deep energy cleaning,
  • Bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer.
  • Helps in stimulating the heart chakra,
  • absorbing negative energies, and impurities from the body and environment.

Why am I drawn to Malachite?

It may your heart chakra vibrate with the colour of green.

Malachite draws out the emotional pain of the past heartbreaks for release.

What chakra does Malachite heal?

  • Heart chakraencouraging emotional healing and self-reflection.

It helps you release;

  • Past traumas
  • Alleviate anxiety and depression
  • Promote a sense of inner peace and tranquillity.

How do you activate Malachite?

  • Use sunlight to charge your crystals.

Caution: sunlight charging may fade the colour of the Malachite. If you want to avoid it, charge your Malachite using moonlight instead.

What are the spiritual benefits of Malachite?

  • Clears and activates the chakras
  • Attunes to spiritual guidance.
  • It opens the heart to unconditional love.
  • Encourages risk-taking and change
  • Breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns,
  • Teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings.

Does Malachite make you emotional?

Malachite is treasured for its exceptional capacity to assist in emotional healing.

  • Encourages the release of pent-up emotions and negative energy.
  • It promotes deep meditation, helping people confront and heal emotional wounds from the past.

Why is Malachite so rare?

  • Malachite is a very rare crystal because it is super sought out, the valuable or the mines are currently closed.

Why is Malachite so expensive?

It is very rare to find large Malachite stones of high virtue. This type of large stones is very valuable on the market and collectors compete for the most attractive pieces.

Many known deposits are quite depleted with limited sources.


How can you tell if Malachite is high quality?

Take a look at Malachite closely, examine the colour, pattern, and weight, and look for air bubbles or other signs of artificial presentation. 

Real Malachite has a degree of green shades and complicated, natural patterns, whereas fake Malachite may have uniform or overly bright colours, or painted/printed patterns.

What are the benefits of wearing Malachite stone?

Beyond its emotional help, Malachite is also known for its physical healing energies. It supports:

  • Detoxification
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Enhancing the immune system
  • Ability to reduce pain (particularly in the case of arthritis or injuries).

What is Malachite stone good for?

Malachite has been traditionally used to:
  • ward off danger and fight illness.
  • Protect against falling
  • It has been wrapped over bruises and broken bones to help with tissue regeneration and healing.
  • Malachite tends to draw negative energy and disorder into itself.

What is Malachite used for spiritually?

  • Encourages change
  • Emotional risk-taking.

It shows what is stopping your spiritual growth, draws out deep emotions and psychosomatic causes, and then lets you break unwanted ties and outworn patterns.

Is Malachite a lucky stone?

Yes, it is.
Malachite is powerful precious stone. It’s also known as the power stone.
If you need a bit of luck in your life, this is the one.

Also, use it over your heart chakra so you can eliminate past heavy baggage.

What does Malachite do when you wear it?

  • Cleanse and protect the wearer from negative energies.
  • Help with your spiritual journey
  • Used as a protective talisman and also ward off evil spirits including the evil eye.

What does Malachite protect you from?

Malachite has long been used in charms for protection, namely against the evil eye (the bands seen wrapping around a piece of Malachite can occasionally look like eyes).

  • Ward off danger and fight illness.
  • Protect against falling
  • Has been wrapped over bruises and broken bones to help with tissue regeneration and healing.

Where do you put Malachite on your body?

The best place to wear Malachite crystals is close to the heat, such as in a pendant.
It can maximise its heart chakra benefits.

To awaken and heal your heart chakra, you could wear;

  • A Malachite Pendant
  • Malachite Necklace
  • Malachite earrings.

Bracelets or rings are also useful for keeping their protective energy nearby throughout the day.

Wearing it also heals the third eye and solar plexus chakras, among others.

Is it OK to sleep with Malachite?/Can you  wear Malachite in bed?

It is said that Malachite may protect against nightmares.

  • Deep sleep
  • vivid dreams

are come easily to you with a Malachite by your bedside. The stone encourages

  • emotional healing
  • governs the heart chakra,
  • the source of free and loving energy flows around the body.

However, it’s also known for its strong energy(emotional balance and a peaceful state), which may be overwhelming for some people during sleep. Also, Malachite will boost whatever mood you’re in, so the strong energies of Malachite can easily cause sleep disturbance.

If you find your Malachite too much stimulating you then may be better to keep it elsewhere at night. You can bring it to your bed as you need its balancing energies.

Is it safe to wear Malachite?

  • Polished Malachite jewelry does not pose any risk and is safe to wear.

    However if you are concerned, I would avoid showering with it on or getting the stone wet while wearing.

Is it OK to wear Malachite?

Yes, Malachite has a wide range of uses. It can be worn or kept in your home, or business, or you could wear it as jewelry.

Can I wear Malachite every day? 

Yes, Malachite jewelry is 100% safe to wear. It is not toxic, if you wear jewelry normally.


How does Malachite make you feel?

It is a powerful heart healing stone that grows more;

  • Self-love
  • Self-respect
  • Self-worth
  • Enhances your commitment
  • Integrity in relationships.
  • releases inhibitions and encourages expressing feelings.
  • Helps develop empathy with others by showing us how it would feel to be in their place.
  • Malachite aids psychologically by transforming us to relieve shyness and support friendships.

Who should wear Malachite?

Malachite is linked to the Capricorn zodiac sign.

The Capricorn born might benefit physically and mentally from it.

It promotes you to be more active in your life and enhances the wearer’s psychic powers.

Where is the best place to put Malachite?

A great place for it is in your children’s rooms.

It was said that have been thought to ward off evil energies.  

they were used with children to protect and provide them security.

What does Malachite protect you from?

  • Serves as a guardian of the heart
  • Offering protection from negative energies,
  • Electromagnetic pollution
  • Harmful radiation. Usage (Wear Malachite as jewelry or place it in your home to harness its transformative and protective energies).

What does Malachite attract?

  • Malachite also called “the merchant stone“, Malachite is thought to attract richness like greenbacks, therefore advantageous to traders and businessmen.

How long should you wear Malachite?

Malachite can be worn constantly. However, it is always wise to be sensitive to your body’s responses.

If you start to feel,

  • a headache
  • significant discomfort

take the necklace off for a while.

Allow your body to adjust to the changes created by the gems by wearing them for only an hour or two a day.

Where do you put Malachite on your body?

Malachite is a gems for the heart, the center of balance within your body, and the center chakra in the middle of your chest.

This is where we give and receive emotional energy and interact in association with all things around us.

How to tell if Malachite is real?

  • Banded or concentric patterns with different shades of green, often resembling a bull’s-eye or swirled pattern. These patterns are naturally ensuing and can be quite complicated.

Is Malachite stone expensive?

Why is Malachite expensive?

Malachite is a popular stone, and the original deposits for the stones have been depleted, leaving behind very few sources.

The rarest Malachite, such as grade AAA stones, can reach a very high value.

For example, a 20.02LB Natural Malachite slice mineral specimen can be found in mineral auctions online for around $1,000.

Why am I so attracted to Malachite?

If you’re attracted to the Malachite stone, it could mean that 

“it’s time for a change”.

What does it mean if someone gives you Malachite?

Malachite is known as the “Stone of Transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer.

This crystal helps in stimulating the heart chakra, absorbing negative energies, and impurities from the body and surroundings.

Why am I drawn to Malachite?

If you’re attracted to the rich Malachite stone, it could mean that,

“it’s time for a change”.

Known as the stone of transformation, the Malachite properties allow bringing energy and focus to new growth.

Why is Malachite toxic?

The polished Malachite used in jewellery is harmless.
However, untreated Malachite is toxic.

Malachite is copper ore long-term exposure can cause severe adverse effects from copper poisoning.

This means inhaling or ingesting Malachite dust can be harmful, so raw Malachite should be treated carefully and stored properly.

Why not to use Malachite?

Raw Malachite is toxic

Malachite is a copper-metal mineral that is toxic to humans!

As Malachite is copper ore long-term exposure can cause severe adverse effects from copper poisoning.

What are the warning of the Malachite stone?

If Malachite is calling to you, you must exercise caution and work only with fixed polished stones; Malachite is a copper-metal mineral that is toxic to humans.

Harmful if swallowed or inhaled causes;


What are the disadvantages of Malachite?

  • Raw Malachite green is toxic to humans.
  • Carcinogenesis,
  • Mutagenesis,
  • Chromosomal fractures, Teratogenicity,
  • Pulmonary toxicity

all have been described as symptoms caused due to toxicity from the consumption of Malachite Green.

What are the side effects of Malachite?

Malachite green is toxic to humans.

  • Carcinogenesis
  • mutagenesis
  • chromosomal fractures
  • teratogenicity
  • pulmonary toxicity

Above all have been described as symptoms caused by toxicity from the consumption of Malachite Green.

When you put Malachite extract for the first time, especially for those with sensitive skin, a patch test is recommended.

Note: Because copper can be absorbed through the skin, wearing jewelry made with Malachite can expose you to high levels of copper. However, the amount of copper in Malachite is not considered to be hazardous.

Is Malachite bad spiritually?

Malachite is aid with spiritual growth enlightenment.

Malachite has a rich green colour and often contains traces of blue or black and can support to invoke feelings of growth, balance, stability, and unity.

Can you shower with Malachite?

You should avoid wearing Malachite in a hot, humid setting such as a shower or spa.

Also, you keep it away from products such as perfumes, lotions and hand sanitisers. Shocks could damage the stone.

Is it safe to wear a Malachite ring?

Wearing jewellery made with Malachite is considered to be safe.

What is Malachite commonly used for?

  • Mineral pigment in green paints antiquity, decorative vases, ornamental stones, and gemstones.
  • Presence of Malachite is an excellent surface indicator for copper exploration.

Is Malachite a precious gem?

Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide – a copper mineral.


It is primarily used as a semi-precious polished stone.

Is Malachite bad luck?

  • This gorgeous gemstone with its light green swirls represents transformation and positive change.
  • It’s a popular gemstone for many as it brings dreams to life.  

Whatever you want to achieve, wearing the Malachite can help you accomplish it.

Malachite is thought to have good luck properties.

Is Malachite a bad stone?

Only raw Malachite is toxic.
To be more exact, the danger comes from copper.

Should you touch Malachite?

Raw Malachite is toxicand should be handled carefully.

Wash your hands afterwards when you hold raw Malachite.

Do you have to wash your hands after touching Malachite?

  • Malachite jewellery and polished Malachite are safe to handle. 
  • You should use gloves or wash your hands after handling raw Malachite just to be safe.
  • Please Do not leave Malachite in water or drink Malachite-infused water.

Do you wear Malachite on your right or left hand?

Gems that are;

  • Calming
  • Helps with emotions
  • Encourage new relationships

are better to wear on your left

Can raw Malachite get wet?

It is Toxic or Harmful When Wet.

Why can’t Malachite get wet?

  • Toxic or Dangerous When Wet

When the Malachite tend to be softer it increases the risk of damage caused by water.

Because of its high copper content, prolonged contact with water may cause damage to the coating of the stone.

They can also drain potentially toxic materials into water. Malachite can release toxic fumes, causing even the water it has been soaking in dangerous to the touch.

Is polished Malachite toxic when wet?

In conclusion, the average Malachite fan is not going to be poisoned by their

  • Skin
  • Blood
  • By fumes in the air

because of Malachite getting wet.

Why Malachite is called kidney stone?

Malachite the ‘Stone of Transformation,

protects you from harm and kidney issues.

What is the truth about Malachite?

  • It is extremely soft.

Malachite, unlike other gemstones, could break more irregularly. Alongside its softness, this makes the stone ideal for carving, showing a polished surface with great patterns when it’s cut into.

Best place to buy high-grade Malachite

If you would like to buy Malachite, I would recommend Lily Rose online shop. They have a range of grades of gems that are all hand-picked by themselves and are trustworthy.

Go to buy Malachite → Lily Rose website


Malachite is a beautiful stone.

One of my favourite stone. It would be nice to own one for expecting change the life or simply enjoy wearign it.


I hope all the negative enegy would go away and bring positive energy to you.


