Black Tourmaline Uses and Crystal Healing Properties


This page will show you the beautiful, shiny black gemstone, “Black Tourmaline“, Gemstone usage and crystal healing properties.


Also, answer the most common Q&A questions, covering everything you want to know.

  1. Black Tourmaline Healing Properties
  2. Black Tourmaline Astrology
  3. Black Tourmaline Affirmation
  4. Black Tourmaline Chakra
  5. Black Tourmaline Origin
  6. Black Tourmaline Uses
    1. Meditation with  Black Tourmaline
  7. Black Tourmaline Metaphysical
  8. Black Tourmaline Q&A
  9. What is Black Tourmaline good for?
  10. Who should not wear Black Tourmaline?
  11. What is the benefit of a Black Tourmaline hanger?
  12. What are the spiritual benefits of Black Tourmaline?
  13. What are the benefits Green Turmaline?
  14. What signs should wear Black Tourmaline?
  15. What does Black Tourmaline do to the body?
  16. Should you sleep with Black Tourmaline?
  17. How does black tourmaline make you feel?
  18. How do you activate Black Tourmaline?
  19. Can black tourmaline be worn every day?
  20. How can you tell if black tourmaline is genuine?
  21. Why is Black Tourmaline so powerful?
  22. When should you not wear tourmaline?
  23. What does tourmaline protect against?
  24. Does Black Tourmaline bring luck?
  25. Does black Tourmaline work?
  26. Can anyone wear Black Tourmaline?
  27. What happens when you wear a Tourmaline?
  28. Is tourmaline positive or negative?
  29. Where should I place my Black Tourmaline?
  30. Does black tourmaline attract wealth?
  31. Can I keep Black Tourmaline in my pocket?
  32. What are the powers of Black Tourmaline?
  33. How to charge Black Tourmaline?
  34. Is Tourmaline expensive?
  35. Who Should Not Wear Black Tourmaline?
  36. How do you tell if Black Tourmaline is genuine?
  37. Where to place Black Tourmaline on your body?
  38. Why is Black Tourmaline so powerful?
  39. What side of your body should you wear Black Tourmaline?
  40. Can I wear Tourmaline every day?
  41. Does Black Tourmaline produce negative ions?
  42. Can we keep Black Tourmaline at home?
  43. Does Black Tourmaline absorb or repel?
  44. How long does it take Black Tourmaline to work?
  45. Is black tourmaline worth anything?
  46. Is Black Tourmaline a precious stone?
  47. What does it mean when Black Tourmaline gets hot?
  48. How can we tell the difference between black obsidian and Black Tourmaline?
  49. Is Black Tourmaline magnetic?
  50. What is the magical power of Black Tourmaline?
  51. What is so special about Tourmaline?
  52. What side of your body should you wear Black Tourmaline?
  53. Should I carry black tourmaline with me?
  54. Can black tourmaline drain your energy?
  55. Is water bad for Black Tourmaline?
  56. Does Black Tourmaline need to be charged?
  57. What does Tourmaline do to hair?
  58. Which is more powerful, black obsidian or black tourmaline?
  59. Can anyone wear a Black Tourmaline bracelet?
  60. What does Black Tourmaline symbolize?
  61. What chakra is Black Tourmaline good for?

Black Tourmaline Healing Properties

  • Helps in purification
  • Cleanses other crystal energies
  • Protects from negative energies
  • Helps with anger, panic and anxiety
  • Help reduce stress
  • Increase grounding and security

Black Tourmaline is a convenient stone for any user(Black Tourmaline is the model stone for protection).

It functions as a direction through difficult times and a beacon of light in encountering fears.

It promotes emotional stability and provides positive energy.


Black Tourmaline blocks and transmutes negative energies, including;

  • Electromagnetic radiation from phones
  • 5G technology.

It accomplishes the same as negative thinking, working to disassemble inner conflicts to reduce panic and anxiety.

This obtains emotional equilibrium and sane thinking to understand oneself and others from a place of empathy.


Harnessing the vibrations of Earth, it balances the hemispheres in the brain to increase;

  • Positivity
  • Inspiration
  • Altruism

It is a superb stone to keep on dark occasions and shed light on the darkness.

Black Tourmaline is a perfect stone for someone who is on a spiritual journey, and it protects from the low vibration of people around and would bring down our high vives.

Black Tourmaline Astrology

  • Virgo: August 23 – September 22
  • Libra: September 23 – October 22
  • Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Element: Earth

Planet: Sun

Black Tourmaline Affirmation

To activate this crystal, affirm:

  • “I am protected from all energies that will do me harm. I am clearing the way to thrive in my power”.

Black Tourmaline Chakra

Root – Earth Star

Black Tourmaline transmits energy down through the root chakra and out to the Earth Star chakra under your feet.

It is a strong grounding stone that works to discharge negative energy into the ground while pulling positive grounding energy into the body from the Earth.

The root chakra is associated with stability, protection, and self-love, which helps one get in tune with one’s inner power.

It is the root of balancing the body’s energies with those of the physical and spiritual realms.

The purification power of Black Tourmaline purifies and clears all of the chakras, clearing all blockages.

It balances the Yin-Yang energies in the body, obtaining a sense of confidence and positivity with a more transparent outlook on reality.

Black Tourmaline Origin

  • Africa
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • USA

Black Tourmaline Uses

Black Tourmaline will hold you grounded to the vibrations of the Earth, creating it perfect in times of chaos and fear.

Use it to reduce;

Black Tourmaline can aid in managing emotions even in situations like visiting a dentist or taking an exam.

The minerals and vibrations in Black Tourmaline are strong enough to reduce or eliminate;

  • Electromagnetic smog.

Place it next to electronics, wear it or grid a few in the workplace to protect from harmful radiation.

To create a protection grid by;

  • Place four or more crystals in each corner of the room.

Another way to do it is by;

  • Place a Tourmaline in a water bowl
  • Let the minerals seep into the water and slowly evaporate into the environment. 



Black Tourmaline is Earth’s image as an enthusiastic body guard.

You can utilise Tourmaline to shield yourself from toxic energies.

Carry or wear to help protect you from someone else’s drama so that you don’t get downed with that negativity.

If you need to refocus your mind after long hours of work, grip the stone in your hand for 2-5 minutes while concentrating on its energy running to your brain to increase engagement and vitality.

You can put a Black Tourmaline under your pillow to protect you from;

  • Negative energies
  • Intense dreams
  • Cleanse your body through the night.


In meditation, Black Tourmaline performs as a grounding and protecting stone.

While remaining connected to Earth, you can access guidance from the spiritual realms.

Black Tourmaline will work as a guide to purify your system and guide you to what truly matters in your life.

Meditation with  Black Tourmaline

Hold Black Tourmaline in your hand or place it on your groin or between your feet while you meditate with Tourmaline.

Visualise white soothing light coming into you and each breath, and exhale a grey stagnant mist that no longer serves you.

Black Tourmaline Metaphysical

Traditionally, Black Tourmaline is used to protect against outside energies;

  • Energy vampires
  • Spells
  • Spirits that would do harm.

Spiritual practitioners still utilise Tourmaline as a psychic protection to keep them grounded while dispelling negative energies.

You can make an anti-negativity jar with water, Tourmaline, and sea salt.


Known for its ability to be charged with electricity just by rubbing it or heating it (it could heat energetically), it is a strong conduit to place on a rod for energy healing that can charge, deflect, or direct electricity via a person’s body to stream and open different areas, move stagnant energy, and promote energy centres.

Black Tourmaline Q&A

This section answers some of the most common questions people ask about Black Tourmaline. Let’s have a look!

What is Black Tourmaline good for?

  • Cleanses and purifies one’s aura
  • Dispelling negative energies and thoughts.

Black Tourmaline is especially useful for those who work or live in challenging environments, as it aids in absorbing electromagnetic radiation and pollutants.

Who should not wear Black Tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline is generally safe for most people. However, those overwhelmed by its grounding energy might want to restrict their exposure.

What is the benefit of a Black Tourmaline hanger?

Black Tourmaline is one of the most potent gems for protection from negativity and grounding.

Hanging Black Tourmaline chunks at the entrance repulses negative toxic energies from entering your space.

Also, Black Tourmaline soaks electromagnetic radiation from

  • Mobiles
  • TV, etc.

What are the spiritual benefits of Black Tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline is assumed to:

  • Boost inspiration and joy,
  • Relieve fear
  • Build self-confidence among its users.
  • foster a connection between the Earth and the human spirit.
  • Helping in the disposal of negative energies within a person or a space.
  • remove blockages in both the physical and spiritual realms.
  • Strengthens stamina
  • Energizes.
  • Best healing stone for the physical heart.
  • Creates a powerful flow of energy to all parts of the body.
  • Stimulates a strong resonance with divine love.
  • Provides a beneficial influence to all growing, living things.

It’s also used to balance yin-yang energies, as it’s believed to be a physical bridge to the spiritual.

Tourmaline comes in an assortment of colours, the most common being black.


This stone benefits people experiencing high levels of stress anywhere in their lives.

This affirmation adds up Black Tourmaline nicely,

“I banish negativity; I’m protected on all levels.”

What are the benefits Green Turmaline?

  • Relieve anxiety
  • Anger
  • Emotional disorders

They relieve stress and build a sense of peace.

Therefore, they are suitable for wearing if you have low self-confidence and self-esteem.

It also awakens compassion towards others.

What signs should wear Black Tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline is a Zodiac Birthstone for:


What does Black Tourmaline do to the body?

Many carry Black Tourmaline healing crystals over the body’s chakras to:

  • Clear the aura
  • Remove blockages
  • Break up negative energy
  • Point to specific problems that one may be carrying.
  • Tourmaline relaxes the muscles and nerves

Tourmaline aids you in understanding yourself and others, boosts self-confidence, and reduces fear.

Should you sleep with Black Tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline in your bedroom is an excellent way to make a tranquil and secure space.

Putting a piece of Black Tourmaline on your bedside table can protect against negative energies and transform them into positive energy, essential for maintaining a relaxing sleep atmosphere.

How does black tourmaline make you feel?

Black tourmaline stone is often used to assist blocks:

  • Negative energy
  • Electromagnetic radiation

Making it an excellent crystal to have around:

  • Computers
  • Other electronic devices.

Also, it can aid in the release of stress and tension, elevating feelings of calmness and tranquillity.

How do you activate Black Tourmaline?

You can cleanse Black Tourmaline in several ways;

  • Heat it with your body warmth to charge the stone with your internal power. 
  • Coat your black tourmaline with a sage stick for 20 seconds.
  • Choose a smudge stick or make your own with properties you want to activate within your crystal.
  • Pass it through the smoke to charge the stone with protecting energy.
  • Allow it to sit in the sun for at least 2 hours; this will also charge the stone.
  • If you know Reiki, you can charge and cleanse it.
  • You can also cleanse and charge several crystals in the light of the full moon.

Can black tourmaline be worn every day?

With a rating between 7 and 7.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, Black Tourmaline jewellery can be worn daily but with caution.

If you work with your hands a lot, we advise avoiding wearing Black Tourmaline rings to decrease the chance of accidentally bumping them against a hard object.

How can you tell if black tourmaline is genuine?

  • Check for a consistent black colour throughout the bead.
  • The bead has a glassy lustre.
  • Some slight inclusions or imperfections may be observable upon close examination.

Black Tourmaline is incredibly hard, with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.

So it cannot be scratched easily.

If a stone has scratches, it cannot be a Tourmaline.

You can check its authenticity by scratching it against the glass. If it leaves a scratch on the glass, it is a genuine Tourmaline

Why is Black Tourmaline so powerful?

The Black Tourmaline crystal healing properties are also:

  • Highly grounding
  • Stabilizing

Because of the stone’s connection to the lower chakras.


By grounding your energy and providing a more profound sense of energetic security, this crystal helps you feel safe as you move worldwide.

This stone is believed to promote a connection between the Earth and the human spirit, helping remove negative energies within a person or a space.

When should you not wear tourmaline?

It’s safe to keep in the bedroom, but don’t wear black tourmaline to bed.

The dark, rough stone is associated with intense dreaming (including nightmares), and these results can cause a sleep inequality that lasts for days or weeks.

What does tourmaline protect against?

Black Tourmaline is a powerful crystal that acts as the ultimate protection against negative energy.

Well-known for its protective properties, this universal crystal defends against:

  • Negative energies
  • Promotes grounding

Making it one of the best protection crystals obtainable.


Does Black Tourmaline bring luck?


It wards off negative energy and promotes good luck.

This crystal builds a spiritual defence around you, helping as your protective soul sister and personal cheerleader.

Does black Tourmaline work?

Black tourmaline is an excellent stone for calming the mind as well as protecting your spirit and place.

There’s a reason it’s an essential tool in the arsenals of countless energy practitioners worldwide.

Can anyone wear Black Tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline is appropriate for anyone striving for

  • Protection
  • Grounding
  • A shield against negativity.

What happens when you wear a Tourmaline?

Tourmaline is believed to help:

  • Reduce stress
  • Anxiety 
  • It promotes emotional stability
  • Provides positive energy.

Is tourmaline positive or negative?

Tourmaline generates a significant amount of negative ions when pressure is applied to it.

However, it still needs to be made clear how it generates the ions. This is believed to be due to the piezoelectric effect, but it is a belief without proof.

Where should I place my Black Tourmaline?

  • At The Doorstep

Place a brick-sized raw tourmaline at the front door, ideally straight below the doorbell, to protect your home and repulse any envy or bad juju.

The Black Tourmaline must always be hidden in a bush or flower pot, as these are costly.

It protects the borders of your space, so it’s good to keep it near the

  • Entrances of your home,
  • Your office

wherever you spend time.

Does black tourmaline attract wealth?

It is a favourite stone for crystal gurus regarding wealth and abundance.

With Black Tourmaline, you can draw luck towards you and divert your dreams into reality.

Can I keep Black Tourmaline in my pocket?


Black Tourmaline is a must-have crystal in your pocket, particularly if you feel overwhelmed or anxious in certain situations.

What are the powers of Black Tourmaline?

It has healing powers to aid with physical illnesses and emotional issues.

  • It is used in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing.

Black Tourmaline healing crystal therapies include:

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Purifying the emotional body
  • Grounding spiritual energies.

How to charge Black Tourmaline?

  • It would be best to recharge it in a bowl of sea salt mixed with water overnight.

Bring it out of the bowl the next day, wash the sea salt off, and you’re ready.


  • You can also put the Black Tourmaline outside at night, the moon will recharge it.

Is Tourmaline expensive?

The prices of Tourmaline vary tremendously, largely due to the rarity of certain varieties and their quality. 

The most expensive are the Paraíba Tourmalines, which are exceptionally rare and can reach tens of thousands of dollars per carat.

Chrome Tourmalines, rubellites, fine indicates, and rare bi-colours can sell for as much as $1000/ct. or more.

Who Should Not Wear Black Tourmaline?

While Black Tourmaline is usually safe for most people, those who feel overwhelmed by its grounding energy might want to restrict their exposure.

Individuals with certain medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before using crystals.

How do you tell if Black Tourmaline is genuine?

  • Check for a consistent black colour throughout the bead. 
  • The bead should also have a glassy lustre.
  • Some slight inclusions or imperfections may be observable upon close examination.
  • Tourmalines are tough gemstones and cannot be scratched easily.

Where to place Black Tourmaline on your body?

Put Black Tourmaline on your body to promote wellness.

  • On your forehead to heal from headaches or negative thoughts.
  • Over your heart to recover from a breakup or emotional distress.

Why is Black Tourmaline so powerful?

Because of its dark colouration, this stone has a vital energy and can absorb negative energy without compromising its power.

What side of your body should you wear Black Tourmaline?

Wear Black Turmaline on your left side to receive protective energy and build energetic protection around you.

Can I wear Tourmaline every day?

Tourmaline is suited for everyday wear but with caution.

For example, it’s less durable than a Diamond, so you may not want to choose it for an engagement ring.

But you can undoubtedly wear Tourmaline earrings or necklaces every day.

Does Black Tourmaline produce negative ions?

Tourmaline does not develop negative ions unless activated.

You can activate it by applying pressure to it.

Pressure is applied to the tourmaline sheet with the hands to observe the generation of negative ions.

Can we keep Black Tourmaline at home?

  • One can keep a Black Tourmaline in the bedroom and even under a pillow, as it is known to help with dreams.
  • A few people also put a piece in their cars to protect them while driving.
  • Since it absorbs electromagnetic frequencies, you should place tourmaline near electronics and computers.

Does Black Tourmaline absorb or repel?

Black tourmaline tends to absorb negative energy from the environment, acting more like a container for negative energy.

How long does it take Black Tourmaline to work?

  • Wear your charged Black Tourmaline for a week to fully connect with it.

Is black tourmaline worth anything?

While high-quality tourmaline in other colours may reach $500 per carat or more, faceted black tourmaline costs an average of around $27 per carat.

Is Black Tourmaline a precious stone?

Tourmaline is not considered a precious stone like diamonds or rubies.

Still, it is highly valued for its unique colours and properties, making it a sought-after gemstone in the jewellery industry.

What does it mean when Black Tourmaline gets hot?

When your crystals, particularly black tourmaline, start to warm up, it’s a clear indication that they are actively absorbing negative energy from your body.

This process, in spiritual terms, signifies the release of negative energy from your body, allowing you to resonate with more positive vibes and connect with your divine self.

How can we tell the difference between black obsidian and Black Tourmaline?

However, Black Tourmaline is often more lustrous and can have a metallic sheen.

Black Obsidian, in contrast, has a smooth and glass-like appearance, and it may contain slight inclusions or variations in transparency.

Is Black Tourmaline magnetic?

Quantitative magnetic vulnerability measures tell us that opaque Black Tourmalines are by far the most magnetic of all the colour varieties of gem Tourmaline.

Tourmaline species are categorised according to chemical compositions that are often irrelevant to colour or magnetism.

What is the magical power of Black Tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline is well-known for its remarkable healing properties.

Black Tourmaline is believed to possess protective solid energies that shield individuals from negative influences and psychic attacks.

More than that, it is often used as a grounding stone, a stabilizing force that helps to balance the body’s energy field, providing a sense of stability and balance.

What is so special about Tourmaline?

The precious stone represents:

  • Insight
  • Creativity
  • Wisdom
  • Voice

Tourmalines inspire and promote happiness, reduce fear, and build confidence among those who flaunt it.

The properties and energies of Tourmalines vary according to the colour they come in.

What side of your body should you wear Black Tourmaline?

Wearing a Black Tourmaline bracelet is a powerful way to protect your energy.

Wear the stone on your left side to receive protective energy and build an energetic shield around you.

Should I carry black tourmaline with me?

You can carry it as:

  • Jewellery
  • In a pocket
  • Purse
  • Home
  • Office

to enhance its protective qualities.

Many individuals also include Black Tourmaline in meditation or energy restorative practices to boost grounding and protection.

Can black tourmaline drain your energy?

It works as an energetic protection, creating a barricade between the wearer and external influences that may drain or harm their energy field.

It is believed to soak and transmute negative energies into positive ones, promoting balance, stability, and resilience.

Is water bad for Black Tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline is a mineral with a hardness of 7 to 7.5. At the same time, it is somewhat prone to the adverse effects of water.

Thus, a stone that has been put in water, especially in saltwater, could be ruined.

This refers only to long-term exposure to water.

Does Black Tourmaline need to be charged?

  • You charge your Tourmaline by placing it on a ‘Selenite Charging Plate’.
  • Leaving it out in the moonlight for several hours.

What does Tourmaline do to hair?

Tourmaline radiates negative ions that effectively neutralise the charge of positive ions in the hair, shining down the hair and lessening frizz and flyaways.

Which is more powerful, black obsidian or black tourmaline?

Black Tourmaline has a more vital absorption ability and is more appropriate for healing after exposure to negative energy.

Can anyone wear a Black Tourmaline bracelet?

Yes, Black tourmaline bracelets are famous for their powerful protective properties and their grounding and stabilizing qualities. 

They are famous for those looking to enhance their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

What does Black Tourmaline symbolize?

  • Profound protection
  • Grounding
  • Balance

It serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience within oneself, inspiring personal growth and spiritual transformation.

What chakra is Black Tourmaline good for?

Root chakra.

Black Tourmaline clears and balances the chakras.

It is especially effective in grounding the root chakra and improving feelings of security and stability.

